English bibliography

Adams, Jad
AIDS; the HIV myth. New York, St. Martin's Press [1989] xi, 244 p.
One of the best-written books by an English medical journalist. Although the author leaves open the question of whether or not HIV causes AIDS, one is left with the impression that the argument against it is overwhelming. Contains an excellent synopsis of how the immune system works beginning on page 23. Extensive bibliography and index.

Al-Bayati, Mohammed Ali
Get All The Facts: HIV does not cause AIDS.
Toxi-Health International, Dixon CA 1999, 183 pages ISBN 0-9673536-0-2. http:/www.toxi-health.com/buy.html

As an expert pathologist and toxicologist, Dr. Mohammed A. Al-Bayati has evalutated the published literature on the worldwide AIDS epidemic and has found scientific evidence supporting what some physicians and holistic health professionals have befieved for years that HIV does not cause AlDS. In his recently published book, Get All the Facts: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS, Dr. Al-Bayati describes the multifactorial causes of AIDS in the world, explains the pathogenesis of AIDS in different risk groups, and presents recommendations for treatment for patients diagnosed with AIDS.

AIDS: virus- or drug induced?
Ed. by Peter H. Duesberg. Dordrecht, Boston [etc.] Kluwer Academic Publishers [1996] (Contemporary issues in genetics and evolution, 5) 358 p.
Includes all of the material previously published in Genetica, vol. 95, nos.1-3, 1995 (q.v.). In addition there is very important material contributed by Marc Craddock, Serge Lang, John Lauritsen, Celia Farber, Tom Bethell, Phillip E. Johnson and Neville Hodgkinson. For those seeking an explanation of the African AIDS phenonmenon, the article contributed by Neville Hodgkinson is of particular importance. The title is "Cry, beloved country; how Africa became the victim of a non-existent epidemic of HIV/AIDS."

Badgley, Laurence
Healing AIDS naturally. San Bruno, CA, Human Energy Press [1987] xi, 411 p.
Dr. Laurence Badgley has been a vociferous dissident of the HIV theory of AIDS since the early days of the epidemic. This practical book offers AIDS sufferers alternatives to the toxins offered by more conventional practioners, and is also useful as a manual on how to stay healthy.

Bird, Christopher
The persecution and trial of Gaston Naessens; the true story of the efforts to suppress an alternative treatment for cancer, AIDS, and other immunologically based diseases. Tiburon, CA, H J Kramer [1991] xv, 318 p.
Naessens is in a line of scientists going back to Antoine Bechamp, a contemporary of Louis Pasteur. This parallel theory of disease, based largely on the idea of pleomorphism (i.e. microorganisms which have many different forms), has never gained much favor although many of the most common pathogens (e.g. T. pallidum, the syphilis pathogen) are clearly pleomorphic. Naessens has achieved miraculous cures using formula 714-X, a camphor-derived product. Naessens has been arrested and tried for his work and 714-X is not approved for use in the U.S.

Brown, Raymond Keith
AIDS, cancer and the medical establishment. Revised [edition] New York, Trizoid Press [1993] 185 p.
A practicing physician who places AIDS in a broader context of illness and offers unorthodox and revolutionary views for the cause of disease, including pleomorphism.

Burkett, Elinor
The Gravest Show on Earth. America in the age of Aids. Houghton Mifflin Co. USA 1995, 400 pages, ISBN 0-395-74537-3.
Not since And the Band Played On has any journalist taken readers behind the scenes in the war against Aids to reveal how avarice, ignorance, and egotism are subverting the nation's struggle against the epidemic.
In this hard-hitting work of investigative journalism, Burkett takes no sides, She trains the same critical eye on scientists and activists, on Jesse Helms and gay America. She offers an alarming view of public health officials squeezed between the conflicting jihads of gay men and conservative Republicans. Whether Burkett is writing about the skewing of research data or bureaucratic ineptitude, her prose is lively, her characters are vibrant, and the controversies are vivid. The Gravest Show on Earth is certain to become a landmark volume of social history.
ElinorBurkett has a doctorate in history and was a university professor for thirteenyears before switching to journalism. She garnered numerous national andstate awards for her work with the Miami Herald, which nominated her reportingon AIDS for a 1991 Pulitzer Prize.

Callen, Michael
Surviving AIDS. [New York] HarperCollins [1990] ix, 243 p.
Michael is one of the true heroes of the AIDS epidemic. For almost a decade he fought the disease using orthodox medicine. He believed his condition had been brought on by the lifestyle he led prior to the onset of the disease. Michael chronicles not only his own experiences, but also includes the stories of other long-term survivors. Michael only recently succumbed to the disease, maintaining to the end that it was his own living which had caused the illness and not HIV.

Caton, Hiram
The AIDS mirage. [Sydney, Univ. of New South Wales Press, 1994] 62p. (Frontlines, 4)
Although modern medicine is rooted in pathology, the greatest pathology in AIDS is to be found in the AIDS hypothesis itself, which has been fabricated by a runaway biomedical establishment perpetuating itself by grounding itself in the viral theory of disease. Prof. Caton, in plain language, presents a frightening picture of this pernicious paradigm, how it has come about, and how we can only liberate ourselves from it by coming to terms with the fear of death.

Chaitow, Leon and James Strohecker with the Burton Goldberg Group.
You don't have to die; unraveling the AIDS myth. Puyallup, Washington, Future Medicine Publishing [1994] xiv, 319 p.
The authors avoid coming to a definite conclusion regarding the etiology of AIDS although referring to sources which question the HIV theory. The major portion of the book is devoted to alternative therapies and success stories of those who have survived AIDS. Includes information about how to find alternative help.

Chirimuuta, Richard C. and Rosalind J.
AIDS, Africa and racism. London, Free Association Books, 1989. 192 p.
The reader may not agree with all the conclusions of this book, but the African origin of AIDS is highly suspect and this book attributes it to racism. This book is included in this bibliography because of its uniqueness. For more recent information on the subject, the reader should refer to Dr. Geshekter and others. Prof. Charles Geshekter of California State University, Chico, who is an African specialist with many years of experience in the African bush, has recently joined those who question HIV as the cause of AIDS.

Coulter, Harris L.
AIDS and syphilis; the hidden link. Berkeley, North Atlantic Books [1987] xii, 126 p.
This thoughtful book concludes that the epidemic should not spread to the general population because those affected have endemic syphilis and compromised immune systems due to prescribed drugs used to fight sexually transmitted diseases. The role of recreational drugs in immuno-suppression is not recognized. He indicates that the use of penicillin in therapy should prove the role of syphilis in AIDS. Includes interviews with Joan McKenna and Stephen Caiazza.

Culbert, Michael L.
AIDS: hope, hoax and hoopla. [Chula Vista, CA] The Bradford Foundation [1989] xii, 329 p.
This rather hastily-written book is problematical. Although containing much valuable information, the reader is cautioned to beware of hastily drawn assumptions about HIV and the etiology of AIDS. A positive note is sounded by the author when he claims AIDS is a treatable disease. Explores also the "conspiracy theory" and the syphilis connection.

 Peter Duesberg

Duesberg, Peter H.
Infectious AIDS; have we been misled? Berkeley, CA, North Atlantic Books [1995] xiv, 582 p.
Peter Duesberg is clearly the most vociferous and authoritative AIDS dissident. He has coveniently collected his articles originally published in scientific journals between 1987 and 1995 for our reference. In addition the correspondence between him and John Maddox, editor of Nature has been included. This is required reading for anyone wishing to undertand the AIDS controversy and should be in every library as a reference work.

Duesberg, Peter H.
Inventing the AIDS virus. Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing [1996] xiv, 722 p.
The convoluted story of the publishing history of this book, which is explained in the publisher's preface, could be a book in itself. The long wait for the appearance of this book has been well worth it, however. In it the author lays out his argument in unassailable logic with copious documentation. Drugs, both prescribed and recreational, are shown to be the cause of AIDS, while the supposed pathogen is nothing more than a passenger virus. The story of how the virus came to be made the primary cause reads like a detective story, reminding us all that the truth is far stanger than fiction. Three of Duesberg's papers as well as other material are generously appended. This is the author's most important contribution to the AIDS debate to date.

Duesberg, Peter H. and John Yiamouyiannis.
AIDS. [Delaware, Ohio, Health Action Press, 1995] [12] 194 p.
The authors have joined to present a thoroughly convincing case against the current AIDS model in popular terms that everyone should be able to understand. Not only the scientific aspects are covered, also the political to a lesser degree.. A "question and answer" chapter and a lengthy and up-to-date bibliography are also included. For those who want to keep up with the rapidly evolving AIDS scandal, this book is a must.

Epstein, Steven
Impure Science, AIDS, activism, and the politics of knowledge University of California Press USA 1996, ISBN 0-520-20233-3.
In the short, turbulent history of AIDS research and treatment, the boundaries between scientist "insiders"and lay "outsiders" have been criss-crossed to a degree never before seen in medical history.
Epstein shows with great clarity the extent to which AIDS has been a social and political phenomenon and the manner in which the AIDS movement has transformed biomedical research practices through its capacity to garner credibility by novel strategies.
>Epstein concludes by analyzing recent moves to democratize biomedicine, arguing that although AIDS activists have set the stage for new challenges to scientific authority, all social movements that seek to democratize expertise face unusual difficulties. Avoiding polemics and accusations, he provides a benchmark account of the AIDS epidemic to date, one that will be as useful to activists, policy makers, and general readers as to sociologists and scientists.
Steven Epstein is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of California, San Diego. The work on which this book is based won the American Sociological Association's award for best dissertation of the year.

Fry, T. C.
The great AIDS hoax. 3rd ed. Manacha, Texas, Health Excellence Systems [1989] xvi, 300 p.
This is a hastily compiled book that often repeats itself. The author minces no words in denoucing the current AIDS paradigm and urges all of us to adopt a more intelligent lifestyle. He believes that viruses are nothing more than "artifacts" and that syphilis evolved to the tertiary stage only because of the use of mercury and arsenic to treat it. For the most part, he has the story down correct, that it is one of the bigger scams of the twentieth century. T.C. Fry is one of the leaders of the alternative health field.

Giraldo, Roberto A., M.D.
Aids and stressors Ciencia y Futuro. (Fondacion Arte y Ciencia) 1998. iv, 205 p.
Aids is neither an infestious disease nor is it sexually transmitted. It is a toxic-nutritional syndrome caused by the alarming worldwide increment of immunological stressor agents. Email: rgiraldo@cdiusa.com

Neville Hodgkinson.

AIDS; the failure of contemporary science. London, Fourth Estate, 1996. x, 420 p.

How a virus that never was deceived the world. In this book the author states that a decade ago the world became ensnared in a mass illusion surrounding the causes of Aids. Scientists latched on to HIV as the cause, it was then powerfully promoted by the gay community who wanted to blame a terrible new virus for Aids rather than face that it might have been anything to do with lifestyle excesses. Religious and political leaders, public health officials, charities and the media all found in HIV a ready-made, uncontroversial target for the expression of feeling and morality. In addition the illusion suited the recipients of the billions of research money that the HIV hypothesis drew forth. All other theories were swept aside and as the facts did not fit the theory, these were systematically ignored and suppressed by the scientific establishment.
Hodgkinson began his career as an AIDS dissident while Science Editor for the Sunday Times (London). He has been one of the leaders in exposing the African AIDS hoax after on-the-spot reporting from that Continent. The book tells the dissident story by relating the tales of the most prominent dissidents, after which the author tells his own story. This is particularly interesting because of the conflicting reports we have heard while he was working for the Sunday Times. Starting out as a doubter that HIV could be a pathogen, he evolves into believing that the virus itself is non-existent. This well-written book is one of the most important on the subject to appear to date.

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Johnson, Hillary
Osler's web; inside the labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic. New York, Crown [1996] x, 720 p.
Although the book is not directly on AIDS, the obvious link between AIDS and CFIDS is an immune dysfunction that links the two. It is interesting to note that while AIDS strikes mostly men, CFIDS affects mostly women. This would imply that neither is caused by a pathogen. Paul Cheney, one of the origninal physicians to tackle the syndrome, comes to exactly that conclusion after an exhaustive attempt to find the elusive pathogen. Reductionist models that look for a single toxin or pathogen have failed. "We're all unique," Cheney said. "If you give agent X to ten people, will they all get the same disease? No. HIV is a reductionist model that has failed." Cheney was convinced that the reductionist model ultimately would fail chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers, too.

Kohn, Alexander
False prophets; fraud and error in science and medicine. [Oxford, Eng., Cambridge, Mass.] Basil Blackwell [1988] viii, 248 p.
This scholarly book explores fraud in science from Newton to Gallo and discusses the reasons for it. Quoting S. Connor (1987) he relates that "In the war against AIDS scientific truth was among the first casualties." Believing HIV to be the cause of AIDS, however, the author draws invalid assumptions about the disease. It would be interesting to see a revision of this book in the light of recent exposes regarding the etiology of AIDS.

Lambrou, Evan C.
AIDS: scare or scam? New York, Vantage Press [1994] vii, 40 p.
The author is a professional journalist by trade and has stated the case for and against HIV as the cause of AIDS succinctly in this small book. In an afterword, he gives his own opinion which favors the drug hypothesis of Peter Duesberg. Introduction by Peter Duesberg.

Dr. Guylaine Lanctôt
The Medical Mafia Voici la Clef 1995.
This book is sub-titled "How to get out of it alive and take back our health and wealth". It is a no-holds-barred exposé of the mechanisms which brought our industrialised countries a medicine based on materialism. The more people are ill, the more medication is sold and so the machine is fed. The author believes that health comes from health education (which is almost non-existant today) and from economic prosperity. Poverty breeds ill health. By redirecting part of the capital, presently the near-monopoly of the pharmaceutical companies, to social programmes, we could erase a large part of humanity's suffering...
$17 from Here's the Key Inc. P.O. Box 223, Morgan, VT 05853, USA.
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Lang, Serge
Challenges Springer Verlag 1998, 816 pages, ISBN 0-387-94861-9.
This collection, based on several of Lang's "Files", deals with the area where the worlds of science and academia meet those of journalism and politics: social organisation, government, and the roles that education and journalism play in shaping opinions leading to policy decisions.
In discussing specific cases in which he became involved, Lang addresses general questions of standards: standards of journalism, standards of discourse, and standards of science.
By dealing with case studies and providing extensive documentation, Lang challenges some individuals and establishments, at the same time that he challenges us to reconsider the ways they exercise their official or professional responsibilities, and challenges us to form our own judgement.
Serge Lang is Professor of Mathematics at Yale University, New Haven.

 John Lauritsen.

Lauritsen, John and Ian Young, eds.
The AIDS cult; essays on the gay health crisis. Provincetown, Massachusetts, Asklepios, 1997. 223 p.
The cult nature of the AIDS "epidemic" has been apparent to all of us who have thought deeply about the problem. This book reproduces, as its leading essay, 'The group-fantasy orgins of AIDS' by Casper G. Schmidt. This prophetic essay, written in 1984, warns us that "There are...not one but two main classes of of contagious illness in man: infectious diseases (spread by germs) and contagious forms of psychological disturbances (spread by suggestion)."

Because of the over-emphasis on the germ theory of AIDS (it has been driven home by propaganda from the government and pharmaceutical companies), the psychological aspect has been almost totally ignored. One does not have to be a very astute observer, however, to comprehend that to tell somebody they have a 100% fatal disease can contribute directly to their eventual demise. The other essays in this book (by John Lauritsen, Ian Young, George N. Hazlehurst, Michael Ellner and Andrew Cort, Cass Mann, and Michael Callen) explore this basic theme.

Lauritsen, John
The AIDS war; propaganda, profiteering and genocide from the medical-industrial complex. New York, Asklepios, 1993. 479 p.
Lauritsen, a Harvard-educated survey research analyst, is one of the most indefatigable writers on the subject. In his introduction he states: "The AIDS epidemic is an epidemic of lies, through which hundreds of thousands of people have died and are dying unnecessarily, billions of dollars have gone down the drain, the Public Health Service has disgraced itself, and Science has plunged into whoredom." Most of the material in this book was first published in The New York Native. Highly recommended reading.

Lauritsen, John
Poison by prescription; the AZT story. Foreword by Peter Duesberg. New York, Asklepios, 1990. 192 p.
AZT is the most toxic drug ever to be placed in the Pharmacopoeia. Peter Duesberg believes it to be the principal cause of death in AIDS. This book exposes the fraudulent means by which it came to be approved by the FDA and the motives behind getting it approved.

Lauritsen, John and Hank Wilson
Death rush; poppers (nitrite inhalants) & AIDS. New York, Pagan Press, 1986. 64 p.
Kaposi's sarcoma is thought to be a separate phenomenon of the aids epidemic and to have a direct link with amyl and butyl nitrites used by gay men to heighten the sexual experience. This pioneering book explores the poppers-AIDS connection. Most of the book consists of an annotated bibliography. Hank Wilson still lives in San Francisco.

John Lauritsen, Box 1902, Provincetown, MA 02657-0245.
For further information contact jlaurits@capecod.net or call 1 (508) 487-8369.

Christine Maggiore

Maggiore, Christine
What if everything you thought you knew about AIDS was wrong? (4th edition).
Alive & Well, 11684 Ventura Boulevard, Studio City, CA 91604, USA.
Website : http://www.aliveandwell.org/
Email : christine@aliveandwell.org

Mitchell, Robert Ben
Syphilis as AIDS. Austin, Texas, Banned Books [1990, c. 1989] xx, 128 p.
The author amasses a wealth of evidence to indicate that there is a connection between undiagnosed or untreated syphilis and AIDS. Appendix A is Dr. Caiazza's antibiotic protocol for the treatment of syphilis as AIDS. Although the theory of syphilis as AIDS has largely been discredited, this book is included because of the dramatic empirical results Dr. Caiazza obtained from his antibiotic therapy. Nobody has yet adequately explained why antibiotics resulted in the attenuation of , and in many cases the complete disappearance of, KS lesions and other AIDS symptoms.

Nussbaum, Bruce
Good intentions; how big business and the medical establishment are corrupting the fight against AIDS. New York, The Atlantic Monthly Press [1990] xvi, 352 p.
The author began his research for this book as a dispassionate investigative reporter, but ended his research in a state of anger after having discovered the nefarious methods used to get AZT approved as the only drug for the treatment of AIDS. Peter Duesberg now believes more are dying from the use of AZT than from the disease itself.

Ransom, Steve, and Day, Phillip
World Without AIDS. 2000.
Creedence Publications : http://credence.org/aidstour/aidstour2.htm

The following is a summary of what the public generally believes about AIDS today:
AIDS is a disease arising from an infection from the virus known as HIV. The virus is spread in humans either through promiscuous, unprotected homosexual sex, through sexual contact with an HIV-infected member of the opposite sex, through the sharing of intravenous drug users' contaminated needles or through contaminated blood supplies. Pregnant women who test positive can pass the virus on to their unborn child HIV can also be transmitted to the baby outside of the womb through breast-feeding. The AIDS test is a simple and accurate method of detecting HIV. In the West, HIV infection is spreading among women and heterosexual men and is increasing exponentially every year. Drugs are available to treat AIDS patients but they are very expensive. A new range of anti-HIV drugs, the 'protease inhibitors', are now believed to be more effective. AIDS is devastating the Third World. There is currently no cure for AIDS.
With the exception of AIDS drugs being expensive, everything you have just read in the above summary is entirely false and has no scientific validity whatsoever.

Rappoport, Jon
AIDS, Inc.; scandal of the century. San Bruno, CA, Human Energy Press [1988] 345 p.
Perhaps the first critical book on HIV/AIDS and still one of the most important books written on the subject to date. An investigative reporter by trade, the author proves himself up to the task of exposing the AIDS hoax from politics to science. The one book that should convince even the most skeptical. Although a bit dated, it is still important.

Remington, Dennis W. and Barbara W. Higa
Back to health; a comprehensive medical and nutritional yeast control program. [Provo, Utah] Vitality House International [1994, c. 1989] [10] 274 p.
Candidiasis and other fungal infections are one of the most common problems an AIDS patient must cope with. This pioneering book explains how to control, basically through diet, the over 900 types of yeast found in humans . A large portion of the book is given over to recipes. A special section for practicing physicians is included.

Root-Bernstein, Robert S.
Rethinking AIDS; the tragic cost of premature consensus. New York, The Free Press [1993] xvii, 512 p.
At the time this book was published, it was one of the most scholarly works available and thus indispensible to any serious inquirer into the AIDS phenomenon. Unfortunately, Dr. Root-Bernstein reserved some role for HIV in AIDS and has, since that time, further equivocated on the etiology of AIDS. In this bibliographer's opinion he has ceased to be a serious contributor to the AIDS debate.

Sarasohn, Judy
Science on trial; the whistle-blower, the accused, and the Nobel Laureate. New York, St. Martin's Press [1993] x, 294 p.
David Baltimore, who figures largely in this book, is considered by many to be the architect of the HIV theory of AIDS and the nemesis of Dr. Peter Duesberg of U.C. Berkeley. His defense of his research assistant, whose research is suspect, eventually brings him before the Dingell Committee of the House of Representatives, and leads to his resignation as the President of Rockefeller University.

Shenton, Joan
Positively False : Exposing the myths around HIV and AIDS. 1998

Foreword by Gordon T. Stewart : "In the industrialised countries, AIDS is far from being the disaster which was forecast. This book will help those who are interested or affected to understand why, and to be more realistic about the special pleadings which still outshout other medical priorities. It should rank as required reading for decision-makers."
I.B. Tauris (1998). Victoria House, Bloomsbury Square, London WC1B 4DZ, England. (Distributed in the U.S. and Canada by St. Martin's Press.)
Meditel, 172 Foundling Court, Brunswick Centre, London WC1N 1QE
Phone: +171 833 4959 fax: +171 713 7072 e-mail: meditel@bigfoot.com

Soyfer, Valery N.
Lysenko and the tragedy of Soviet Science. Tr. from the Russian by Leo Gruliow and Rebecca Gruliow. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press [1994] xxiv, 379 p.
The Lysenko affair in the Soviet Union, although markedly different in some details, is strikingly similar to the AIDS affair (Baltimore, Gallo, et al.) in the United States. The frightening implications this has for science in the United States should be of concern to all loyal citizens. Russian science is still distorted by the aberrations of the Lysenko era and this distortion no doubt contributed to the downfall of the Soviet Union. Not only has the AIDS hoax contributed to genocide in the U.S., it has twisted science to such a degree it may take generations to undo it. Although there are many books on Lysenko, this recent one sums up the previous books in a convenient manner.

Walker, Martin J.
Dirty medicine; Science, big business and the assault on natural health care. [London] Slingshot Publications, 1993. xix, 729 p.
There has been much speculation amongst gay dissidents regarding the prime movers in creating the AIDS hoax. At times attention has variously focused on governments, drug companies, right-wing zealots, and even UFOs. This book places the blame directly on the pharmaceutical companies in league with orthodox medical practitioners and "industrial scientists." Although focusing on Great Britain, the trans-Atlantic connections are made clear, so that the false paradigm has been created by an Anglo-American cabal that has its roots in large philanthropic foundations. The focus of the book is on the attempt to eliminate all competition by attacking and discrediting all alternative (or complementary) medical approaches to disease as well as those who more narrowly object that HIV could not possibly be a pathogen and that AZT is a deadly poison. Of particular interest to gay dissident activists is the role played by gay supporters of orthodoxy who have played a key role in stifling all opposition. This thoroughly researched book is a must for all concerned citizens who would attempt to understand the dynamics of the medical/industrial complex that dominates our lives to our detriment.

Willner, Robert E.
Deadly deception; the proof that sex and HIV absolutely do not cause AIDS. [Boca Raton, FL, Peltec Publishing Co., 1994] XXXIII, 266 p.
The sensational format of this book and the flamboyant personality of the author, belie the factual content of the book. On two separate occasions the author has publicly infected himself with HIV-tainted blood to demonstrate that HIV is not the cause of AIDS. He not only believes that the whole orthodox theory is incorrect, but that it has been a deliberate deception, as the title would imply. He has, therefore, become consumed with a desire to overthrow the AIDS orthodoxy. The book is almost a call to arms.

Young, Ian
The AIDS dissidents; an annotated bibliography. Metuchen, N.J., The Scarecrow Press, 1993. vii, 264 p.
This exhaustive bibliography covers the field more thoroughly than any other source. An indispensable tool for all AIDS activists and those who have the intellectual capacity to read their way out of the woods.
Young, Ian
The Stonewall experiment; a gay psychohistory. [London & New York] Cassell [1995] [8] 312 p.
The AIDS "epidemic" started with the gay community, and, from the very beginning it was recognized that the gay male mindset played a major role in the illness. Why have gay men bought so readily into pathology, making it the centerpiece of gay culture? Ian Young comments that his remarks "are not a history of homosexuality, the gay movement, or the health crises; they are not meant to be comprehensive or they exhaustive. They are the notes and reflections of a poet who was involved in the gay liberation movement..." This book will be of particular interest to those gay men who are struggling to understand themselves and those others who want to understand the total phenomenon called the "AIDS epidemic." This is the most important book to date addressing the psychological roots of this plague. It will continue to inform, and hopefully assist, gay men in liberating themselves from the negative images projected upon them for many generations to come. The author does not subscribe to the single germ theory of AIDS.