

Reappraising Aids

Le journal mensuel du "Group for Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/Aids hypothesis". La recherche de pointe des "dissidents".

Depuis 1984, la science n'a toujours pas demontré que le soi-disant VIH (virus d'immunodéficience humaine) soit directement ou indirectement la cause du sida. Des milliers de chercheurs s'interrogent sur la théorie officielle, y compris sur le diagnostic. Ils ont créé le Groupe pour la Réévaluation Scientifique de l'Hypothèse VIH = Sida. Parmi eux se trouvent des Prix Nobels, des membres de l'Académie américaine des Sciences, des professeurs d'immunologie et de santé publique, des microbiologistes, anatomopathologistes, biologistes, professeurs agrégés en philosophie, en droit, spécialistes en biostatique, en épidémiologie ainsi que de nombreux médecins généralistes possédant de l'expérience dans le traitement du sida.

Le devoir des scientifiques est de poser les vraies questions, aussi désagréables et difficiles soient-elles, vis-à-vis des théories les plus appréciées et tout spécialement lorsque les réponses peuvent aider à éviter dans toute la mesure du possible souffrance et pertes de vie non nécessaires. Le manifeste ci-dessous du Groupe pour la Réévaluation Scientifique de l'Hypothèse VIH = Sida est le résultat de leurs efforts pour publier des critiques dans diverses revues scientifiques de valeur. Toutes se récusent. Pour diffuser cette information en français l'AMG a créé ce site et notre journal "L'Apprenti Sage" s'aligne avec leur journal mensuel "Reappraising Aids", le journal anglais "Continuum" et le reseau "HEAL" aux Etats-Unis.

"L'opinion publique croit qu'un rétrovirus dénommé VIH cause l'ensemble des pathologies appelées sida. De nombreux biochimistes mettent désormais en doute cette hypothèse. Nous proposons qu'un groupe indépendant et adéquat dirige une réévaluation consciencieuse des arguments pour et contre cette hypothèse. En outre, nous souhaitons que soient définies et réalisées des études épidémiologiques critiques".

Cliquer ici pour consulter la liste de signataires et ajouter votre signature.

25$ (USA); 35 $ (other countries) to : Reappraising Aids, The Group, 7514 Girard Ave. Suite 1-331, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA.
Fax : (00.1) 619 272 1621.

Rethinking Aids
The Group sur Internet :

Email :

Rethinking Aids Website Homepage (en français sur ce site)

Alive & Well is part of a growing international movement to bring honesty and accountability to AIDS reporting, research and education.

Alive & Well works to make known life-affirming facts about HIV and AIDS through the dissemination of medical, scientific and epidemiological data as well as through sharing the experiences of HIV positive diagnosed persons whose lives defy the HIV = AIDS = DEATH paradigm.

Through a variety of efforts, materials and services, Alive & Well creates awareness of the choices that exist beyond the passive hope and toxic treatment protocols promoted by most AIDS organizations. We provide factual information, references for holistic immune enhancing therapies, and offer psycho-spiritual support for HIV positive diagnosed people who want to enjoy healthy, productive lives.

Alive & Well does not accept funding from the pharmaceutical industry, federal or local government, or any entity with an interest in limiting the questions we may ask and the answers we may receive regarding HIV, AIDS and health.

Our web site will introduce you to many of the scientific challenges to the HIV/AIDS hypothesis and explain these in simple terms. The founders of Alive & Well (and most of our volunteers) are HIV positive, so we know what it's like to try to wade through highly technical information.

At one time, we all accepted without question the popular belief that testing positive meant we would soon become ill and die. On our own, we each discovered information refuting the HIV/AIDS hypothesis. In 1995 we joined together in order to share the information that has allowed us to live in wellness without toxic AIDS treatments and without fear of AIDS.

Please note that Alive & Well is an information and education network, it is not a philosophy or a belief system. Our mission is to enable people to make independent, educated decisions about HIV and AIDS.

Website :
Alive & Well, 11684 Ventura Boulevard, Studio City, CA 91604, USA.
Email :

People's International Health Project.
Journal of International Health Research (monthly). 8033, Sunset Blvd, #2640, Los Angeles, CA 90046-2427, U.S.A. Fax : 213 857 0334, Tel : 213 857 0809.

HIV+ and healthy.
The Group operates an HIV+ support group. Harry F. Flynn at (USA) 818 769 3769 or (email) Anybody who scores positively on the often faulty HIV antibody test, is feeling fine and living a healthy life should join this group. About one million people are expected to be HIV+ and most don't even know it. Those who are tested positive become frightened - needlessly. This support group will introduce you to the many others just like you.

HEAL (Health Education Aids Liason).
Heal is an international network of independant groups supporting the reappraisal of the HIV/Aids hypothesis. HEAL promotes the theory that people who receive "Aids" diagnoses are not sick because of HIV infections, but as a result of chronic exposure to a variety of factors such as recreational drugs, foreign proteins like those found in transfused blood and haemophilia clotting factor, antibiotics, intestinal and venereal pathogens (of which HIV is not one), malnutrition, and the cancer chemotherapy AZT. HEAL provides information, hope and support for natural healing through alternative, holistic, and non-toxic therapies. HEAL is now organised in the following cities: New York, San Diego, Buenos Aires. The booklet "What if everything you thought you knew about AIDS was wrong?" ($4.95) from HEAL Los Angeles is essential reading. For regular meeting times, seminars, a catologue of videos, books, audio tapes and information packets, contact:
HEAL, P.O. Box 1103, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10024-4206, U.S.A. Tel : (800) 410 HEAL. Internet :
- and HEAL Seattle - 206 391 6910.

Anti Red Ribbon logo  The Anti Red Ribbon Campaign

Refuse and resist

HIV ringThe HIV Awareness Ring

The "LIFE" programme
(Learning Immune Function Enhancement) working in collaboration with the San Diego Social Services in California, is one of the most evolved holistic health education programmes for HIV positives in the world.
Contact : Aids Response Program, 3916, Normal Street, P.O Box 3357, San Diego, CA 92103, USA, Tel : (619) 692.2077; Fax : (619) 260.3092. Mark Griffiths can send you a complete synthesis of this programme in French. 60 FF P&P included, or contact the Aids response program who also work in Spanish.

The HIV connection, 1072 Folsom Street #321, San Francisco, CA94103, USA. Tel +1 415 552 9160.

Optimum Health Institute, 3 week living food Health Education Programme. (Approx $1100 for 3 weeks). 6970 Central Avenue, Lemon Grove, San Diego, CA 92045, USA. Tel. : +1 (619) 464.3346.

Hippocrates Health Institute, 3 week living food Health Education Programme. (Approx. $3900 for 3 weeks). 1443, Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL 33411, USA. Tél. : 19.1 (407) 471.8876.


Continuum. £1000 missing Virus award.
Changing the way we think about Aids, the No.1 English HIV health magazine. Continuum is a full-length magazine published by British Aids dissidents. Each issue covers social and scientific issues. For an annual subscription send $40 cash (US or Canada) to: Continuum, 4A, Hollybush Place, London E2 9QX, U.K.
Tel : +44 171 613 3909; Fax : +44 (0) 171 613 3312. email: &

Positively Healthy. c/o Cass Mann, P.O. Box 71, Richmond, TW9 3DJ Surrey, G.B. Tel: +44 0181 940 5355. Fax: +44 0181 940 3758


Women's Health Interaction (WHI), Ottawa, Canada.
The WHI have published a 40 page booklet questioning AIDS :
UNCOMMON QUESTIONS: A Feminist Exploration of AIDS. (ISBN: 0-9695267-6-8)
You can download this booklet as a PDF file :
WHI Website:
E-mail :


Medicinas Complementarias has published an excellent book and produced a video called "Replantear el sida". Alfredo Embid has created a support group and can give you the right information. Enquiries to: AMC, Prado de Torrejón 27, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid 28224. Tel: +34 91 351 2111; Fax 351 2171. Internet: ; email:

COBRA, Lluis Botinas, c/ Galileo 333, 2-1, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. Tel: (34 3) 419 6824; Fax: (34 3) 419 6148. Lluis Botinas is a member of the board of consultants for Continuum in London and founder of a HIV/AIDS support group in Spain functioning outside the belief HIV=AIDS. E-mail :

AVES, Cartagena 230, 08013 Barcelona, Spain. +34 93 450 1300; fax: +34 93 456 48 25

FreeNews. Informacion Libre.
FreeNews: e-mail:


regimed. Research group investigative medicine & journalism.
Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Lanka, Im Dreieck 8, D-44143 Dortmund
Tel/fax +49 (0) 231/531 01 05; mobil +49 (0) 171/328 10 70; email

MuM (Wissenschaft, Medizin und Menschenrechte- Science, medicine & human rights). Germany. Im Dreieck 8, D-44143 Dortmund.
Tel: +49 (0) 8024 479955; Fax: +49 (0) 8024 479956. mobil +49 (0) 171/328 10 70.


Robert Lombardi, Quai sur Meuse 10, 4000 Liège, Belgium.


TAPS. Temas Atuais na Promoção da Saúde.

"Na visão holística da saúde enfatizamos a responsabilidade pela própria saúde por meio da sensibilidade pelo meio ambiente, da alimentação adequada, da boa forma física e do controle do stress para obter uma vida saudável."

Irmãs fundadoras do Centro Holístico de Saúde de Pune, India

Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia Alternativa na Promoção da Saúde declarada de Utilidade Pública

Aberta ao público de 3ª a 6ª das 13:00 às 17:00 e aos sábados das 9:00 às 12:00
Rua Borges Lagoa, 503 (Metrô Sta. Cruz), Caixa postal 20396, CEP 04041-990 São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Telefone (011)572-0466; FAX (011)572-0465; EMAIL :

Website :


Kinesis autogestito, Via Carducci 3, Tradate (VA), Italy. Tel/fax +39 (0) 331 811 662; email:
Centre for dissident documentation in italian. (Stefan Lanka, Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Peter Duesberg, Heinrich Kremer, Alfred Haessig, Ryke Geerd Hamer etc.)

SOS HIV (Gaetano Martino), Via Giuseppe Giusti12/h, 21043 Castiglione Olona (VA), Italy.+39 331 858824.

La Pulce Nell'OrecchioVia XXV Aprile, 23, Cremazzano (BS), Italy. Tel: +39 997 9099.

Paolo Brunetti, Società Editrice Andromeda, Via S. Allende 1, 40139 Bologna, Italy. Tel/ +39 (0) 51 490 439; Fax: +39 (0) 51 491 356.

Controinformazione AIDS: Italian website.


What's really going on behind the "Aids" scandal? Interested?
Sidasanté, the world's first French-language "dissident" website.

Parsifal, 11, rue Picardie, 75003 Paris. tél : +33 01 42 77 39 25; Fax : +33 01 42 77 39 26. E-mail :


The Perth Group of HIV/AIDS scientists at
email :
The Perth Group welcomes any scientific discourse on its research.
Eleni Papadopulos - Tel : (Aus) + 618 9224 3221. Fax: + 618 9224 3511